
LBC Crochet Contest Highlights - Little Bear Crochets

LBC Crochet Contest Highlights

From June through August we hosted the Little Bear Crochets crochet contest. It was a wonderful time in which we received so many of your adorable pictures! At the start...

LBC Crochet Contest Highlights

From June through August we hosted the Little Bear Crochets crochet contest. It was a wonderful time in which we received so many of your adorable pictures! At the start...

Little Bear Crochets Crochet Contest 2019 Winner

LBC Contest 2019 Winners

After three months of frenzied crocheting, the contest has come to an end. And what a contest it was: we received more than 70 valid entries! Thank you for entering!...

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LBC Contest 2019 Winners

After three months of frenzied crocheting, the contest has come to an end. And what a contest it was: we received more than 70 valid entries! Thank you for entering!...

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LBC’s Crochet Contest! - Little Bear Crochets

LBC’s Crochet Contest!

UPDATE: THE CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. THE WINNERS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED HERE! It’s time for a crochet contest! Whether you’re in the northern hemisphere and are getting ready to crochet...

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LBC’s Crochet Contest!

UPDATE: THE CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. THE WINNERS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED HERE! It’s time for a crochet contest! Whether you’re in the northern hemisphere and are getting ready to crochet...

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